Publications and Outputs

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CHAPTER 8 (2013)


Peer-Reviewed Publications 

McAvinia, C. and Risquez, A. (2018): Editorial: The #VLEIreland project. [Special Issue, McAvinia and Risquez]. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 3(2), i-ix.

Ryan, D and Risquez, A (2018): ‘Lessons Learnt’: the student view in the #VLEIreland project [Special Issue, McAvinia and Risquez]. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 3(2), 1-10.

Farrelly, T., Raftery, D. and Harding, N. (2018): Exploring lecturer engagement with the VLE: findings from a multi-college staff survey. [Special Issue, McAvinia and Risquez]. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 3(2), 11-23.

Raftery, D. and Risquez, A. (2018): Engaging students through the VLE: comparing like with like using the #VLEIreland student survey. [Special Issue, McAvinia and Risquez]. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 3(2), 24-34.

McAvinia, C., Ryan, D. and Moloney, D. (2018): “I don’t have the time!” Analysing talk of time in lecturers’ use of the VLE. [Special Issue, McAvinia and Risquez]. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 3(2), 35-46.

Raftery, D. (2018): Ubiquitous mobile use: student perspectives on using the VLE on their phone. [Special Issue, McAvinia and Risquez]. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 3(2), 47-57.

Harding, N. (2018): The Digital Turn: staff perceptions of the virtual learning environment and the implications for educational developers. [Special Issue, McAvinia and Risquez]. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 3(2), 58-76.

Logan-Phelan, T. (2018): The Buzz around Learning Analytics – Enablers and Challenges Identified through the #VLEIreland Project. [Special Issue, McAvinia and Risquez]. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 3(2), 77-85.

Risquez, A. and McAvinia, C. (2018): The VLE versus Open Education. [Special Issue, McAvinia and Risquez]. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 3(2), 88-93.

Risquez, A., McAvinia, C., Raftery, D., O’Riordan, F., Harding, N., Cosgrave, R., Logan-Phelan, T., & Farrelly, T. (2013) An Investigation of Students’ Experiences Using Virtual Learning Environments: Implications for academic professional development. In O’Farrell, C. and Farrell, A. (Eds.) Emerging Issues in Higher Education III: From capacity building to sustainability. Athlone: EDIN. E-book available to view at the EDIN website or view the chapter here.

Cosgrave, R.J., Risquez, A., Logan-Phelan, T., Farrelly, T., Costello, E., Palmer, M., McAvinia, C., Cooper, R., Harding, N., Vaughan, N. (2011) Usage and uptake of Virtual Learning Environments and Technology Assisted Learning Tools: Findings from a multi institutional, multi year comparative study. AISHE-J Special Issue: papers from EdTech 2009. Available online at AISHE-J.

Conference Presentations

Farrelly, T., Raftery, D., Risquez, A., McAvinia, C., Harding, N., Costello, E., O’Grady, M., Ryan, D., McSweeney, D., Logan-Phelan, T. (2015) Exploring lecturer engagement with the VLE: initial findings from a multi-college survey. Research paper presentation at EdTech 2015 Beyond the Horizon: Policy, Practice and Possibilities, University of Limerick, 28th-29th May 2015.

Risquez, A., McAvinia, C., Raftery, D., Costello, E., O’Riordan, F., Palmer, M., Harding, N., Cosgrave, R., Logan-Phelan, T., Farrelly, T. (2013) Engaging students through the VLE: findings from the VLE Usage Survey 2008-2013. 6th Annual Learning Innovation Conference: Sustainable Models of Student Engagement – Rhetoric or Achievable? Aisling Hotel Dublin, 17 October 2013. Slides available here.

Cosgrave, R., Costello, E., Risquez, A., Raftery, D., Logan-Phelan, T., Harding, N., Palmer, M., McAvinia, C., Farrelly, T. (2013) Evolution of the VLE in Irish Higher Education: The Student Perspective. Paper presented to the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU) Conference 2013. October 23rd-24th 2013. Paris, France.

Risquez, A., McAvinia, C., Raftery, D., Costello, E., O’Riordan, F., Palmer, M., Harding, N., Cosgrave, R., Logan-Phelan, T., Farrelly, T. (2013)  Engaging students through the VLE: findings from the VLE Usage Survey 2008-2013. 6th Annual Learning Innovation Network (LIN) Conference – Sustainable Models of Student Engagement – Rhetoric or Achievable? Ashling Hotel Dublin, 17th October 2013  Copy of presentation

Cosgrave, R., Risquez, A., Raftery, D., Logan-Phelan, T., Costello, E., Harding, N., Palmer, M., McAvinia, C., Farrelly, T. (2013) The VLE Usage Survey Five Years In: Overview of Findings and Future Directions. Research paper presentation at EdTech 2013 Opening Up Education, University College Cork, 30th-31st May 2013.

Cosgrave, R., Risquez, A., McAvinia, C., Raftery, D., Harding, N., Costello, E., Farrelly, T., O’Riordan, F., Palmer, M. (2012) Usage and uptake of virtual learning environments: findings from a multi-institutional student usage survey. Research paper presentation at EdTech 2012, NUI Maynooth, 31st May-1st June 2012.

Cosgrave, R., Logan-Phelan, T., McAvinia, C., Risquez, A., Farrelly, T., Harding, N., Cooper, R., Vaughan, N. (2009) Usage and uptake of virtual learning environments and technology assisted learning tools: findings from a multi-institutional, multi year comparative study. Presentation at EdTech 2009, National College of Ireland, 21-22 May 2009.

Cosgrave, R., Logan-Phelan, T., McAvinia, C. and Risquez, A. (2008) Uptake and Usage of Virtual Learning Environments: Findings from a multi-institutional student usage survey. NAIRTL 2nd Annual Conference, Waterford Institute of Technology, 11-12 November 2008.

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